全球化(Global) 多元化(Diversity) 資訊化(Information Technology) 專業化(Professional Development) 社群化(Community Service) | ![]() |
Increase interaction between sister institutions and encouragement of faculty and student exchanges while continuing to enhance the development of lifelong learning and global educational opportunities.
提供豐富、多元的教育資源,透過教學、研究、服務、輔導等途徑,培養理論與實務兼俱,專業技能與人文關懷並蓄,體認多元文化之素養,提升個人跨域之整合能力,以開創更豐富多元、無限可能的未來 。
To increase an individual’s ability to experience and understand the richness and variety offered through global exchanges and allow them to celebrate interdisciplinary opportunities through teaching, research, service, and advising.
Emphasis in placed on the acquisition of higher levels of teaching and learning in related information technology fields that will assist to increase the individual’s opportunities through e-learning, distance education, automation of administration processes, procedures, and accountability that fosters increased knowledge and increases in business and educational efficiencies.
The individual has an obligation to increase his/her capability through ethical behavior, etiquette, respect of intellectual property, protection of patents, and the certifiable professional standard of conduct that helps to develop a competent individual.加強產學合作,讓本校研究與地方產業結合,協助地方產業升級。推廣教育開設相關課程,協助地方企業訓綀員工。積極辦理社區服務,提供學校資源協助地方整體發展。培養宏觀視野,不僅「立足地方」,更要「放眼國際」與國際接軌,亦即致力於全球化的全人教育。
Increase an individual’s opportunity to provide service to the local communities and to increase their involvement in local events. By promoting lifelong learning as an important aspect of continuing and distance education through outreach programs, so that an individual can disseminate elements of the regional and global communities, which will allow each person to become a more responsible holistic global citizen.